Social Media Can Help You – How to Get Laid on Instagram

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks today. Here you can find out the latest news, find like-minded people, chat with friends and even find love. Instagram is a very popular social network with tens of millions of registered users. And here you can find a sexual partner quickly and efficiently. In our review, we talk about how to find hookups on Instagram.

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How to Find Hookups on Instagram – Main Rules

Different users are looking for different partners. Someone prefers younger girls, and someone is looking for hot cougars on Instagram. Of course, each segment and communication with a category of people has its characteristics. But we can tell you about the basic rules that help increase the chances of success.

Profile Photos That Work for You

Many guys, trying to meet a girl on Instagram, create fake accounts, passing off photos of other young people as their own. Of course, bright pictures taken in a professional studio cannot but attract attention. Passing off another person like yourself, you risk “losing”: if communication with a girl reaches the point that she wants to see her in real life, “expectation-reality” can greatly upset her.

Even if you are not a professional model or athlete, you prefer front-facing shots rather than working with a photographer, try to choose normal photos. A categorical “no” – pictures with a naked torso (you risk immediately demonstrating all the “seriousness” of your intentions), with friends, memes, and movie characters. Your main task is to attract attention, so make sure that the quality of the photos is appropriate and not the same as if they were taken with an old camera.

How to Get Laid on Instagram

Posts are Your Portrait

Before liking the photo of the girl, you like, see if there is information in your profile that will be of interest to the chosen one. Instagram is not only a platform for photos. Here you can add posts, discuss interesting topics.

What to write about to find hookups on Instagram? Everything is individual: if you are engaged in investments, tell your subscribers about your successes or share profitable strategies. Do you like literature and cinema? Great: post a few posts about paintings and books you like. The main thing is not to “replay” and alternate entertaining content with useful content.

Remember: no Lies

It’s no secret that most girls would prefer to see next to them a purposeful guy with a beautiful figure and a high income. But there is one “but”: ideals simply do not exist. What we see in the picture on the Internet, in real life, may be a hoax.

To get a girl’s attention and make an Instagram hook up successful, don’t start with a lie. This is a losing strategy. Believe me: there are enough “millionaires” and “masters of sports in boxing” on social networks. This will immediately alert the girl.

Talk about your accomplishments, but don’t exaggerate them. And if you don’t like the current state of affairs, before making acquaintances on Instagram hookup hashtags, work on yourself. Believe me: it’s easy to get rid of extra pounds by attending workouts and adhering to proper nutrition, if you wish, you can change your unloved job for a profitable hobby.

Forget Template Phrases

Let’s think about how to hookup on Instagram and take the first step by starting a conversation. Classic tackles like: “Hi, beautiful, will we have some time tonight?” long out of fashion. Any girl will perceive such a message negatively: believe me, they are forced to read such SMS almost daily. If you are aimed at adequate communication and interesting dialogue, it is better to refuse hackneyed phrases.

But there is also the other side of the “medal” – when a guy wants to attract the attention of a girl so much that he comes up with an original message. In the “move” picture with bouquets or hearts from emoticons. And this is the worst option. You can always find a “hint” in the girl’s profile. You see a lot of pictures from the ski resort, and you are an ardent fan of skiing? Great: you already have a reason to start a dialogue.

She’s the One

When meeting a girl on Instagram, it is important to show that you are only interested in her person and are not ready to consider other options (even if this is not the case). It is very important to find an individual approach to show the chosen one that “she is the one.”

It is not at all necessary to open a search engine and try to “google” biography facts. Everything is much simpler than you think: carefully look at the photos and read the posts. In personal communication, hint at her exceptional features that you could not find in any other person.

Keep in mind that each of us loves an individual approach. If you just compose a generic message for dating on Instagram, there is a risk of being dissatisfied with the effectiveness of Instagram hookups.

Photos are Your Main Tool

Nothing can characterize a girl like her pictures on Instagram. Pay attention to the profile: there are a lot of photos from the beach – in front of you is a lover of traveling to warm countries, from the gym – the chosen one takes care of her body, monitors her diet, and is not on her way with a lover of fast food and beer restaurants. Look at the photo – it will help you come up with a topic for conversation. If your hobbies match, you guessed right.

Find Hookups on Instagram

First Message

The most difficult thing is to write the first message and interest the girl. Do not “line” long “tirades” praising the beauty of the girl. Here you have two options – come up with a “message” yourself and show originality, or follow the standard scheme.

Some guys are embarrassed to write first and are afraid that the message in Direct will go unanswered. An attempt to get acquainted mustn’t look like a tackle. The original option is to respond to the stories of the chosen one, comment on her post from the point of view of an expert (for example, she wants to go in for sports but does not know where to start, and you are a coach in a sports club).

It is easier to meet a girl on a social network than on a dating site. If you managed to start the conversation correctly, the chances of a response and a successful Instagram hookup are quite high. But what to do in the case when the girl answered? The most important thing is to show her the seriousness of your intentions. Long correspondence is not the best option. If you see mutual sympathy, feel free to take a phone number or make an appointment.


Now that you know how to find a hookup on Instagram, it’s time to move from theory to practice. You can use these tips to get to know a girl the right way, learn more about her, and start a nice conversation. Good luck with this process!

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