Outstanding Tinder Pickup Lines You Should Use

Whether you are an expert Tinder pickup artist or this is your first venture into the swipe life, it’s always a good idea to have the best first impression. You can achieve this by using the best Tinder pickup lines. Moreover, you should examine yourself and know what sort of Tinder guy you are. Are you funny, Witty, or Nerdy? Once you know who you are, it will be easy to develop a perfect pickup line.

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Things To Consider Before Sending Your Tinder Hookup Lines To Your Girl

Here’s what you need to consider while generating decent pickup lines on Tinder for you to be successful.

Personalize Each Pickup Line

You should ensure that you do not just copy and paste the same humorous Tinder pickup line to 50 different gals. You aren’t a telemarketer; you’re better than that. What’s more, they deserve better. Think about constructing a unique pickup line that plays off something you observe or admire in her. It would be best if you let her know that you are someone who has paid attention to her profile. She knows she’s copping a wonderful pickup line crafted exclusively for her when she reads it. It would be best if you never forgot that It’s about making a match feel special.

Consider Your Audience

If your match is a vegan, you should not fire off Tinder pickup lines about steak. Tailor your introduction to fit your audience. It would be best if you always remembered that the greatest approach to establishing a lasting impression is to nail the first one. Therefore, you should ensure that you spend quality time reading her bio to know your match.

Tinder Pickup Lines

Styles of Pickup Lines

Remember that the first thing is always to perform your intra-personal investigation. Once you’ve found out the type of personality that best suits you, you’ll be better prepared to jump into the best Tinder pick up lines. You can find many different kinds of Tinder pick up lines for guys. Here are some of the most typical Tinder starters.

  • Cheesy pick up lines Tinder– Some of these Tinder pickup lines include dad jokes, puns, knock-knocks, and all the old favorites. Some may be quite cringe-worthy, but you never know; some females adore corny Tinder pick up lines.
  • Funny Tinder pick up lines are easier said than done, but you just can’t beat a funny pickup line. The key is misdirection. Make your match feel like you’re moving one way and then jump back the other. Classic comedy always works.
  • Sexy pickup lines – These are pickup lines that will help you to get laid with that sexy girl that you want so bad.

Smooth Tinder Pick Up Lines You Should Try

These are some of the good pick up lines for Tinder that will ensure any girl you talk to gets fascinated by you.

  1. “If I had one wish, I could wish to be adenine to get paired with U.”
    If your date is interested in science, they’ll appreciate this one. The bottom line is that the A (adenine) invariably pairs with U (uracil) in RNA sequencing. It is a cute science pickup line that may give the impression that you are not only romantic but also brilliant.
  2. “You are so attractive that It takes less time to fall in love with you than it does for my DNA to duplicate.”
    More biology and DNA pickup lines, to be honest, can’t go wrong. However, before you send your match this pickup line, ensure that you have read her bio. You will know if she is into science or not. If she is, then this pickup line will give you bonus points.
  3. “When I am sitting alone writing you this text, all I am thinking about is how I can calculate how steep those sexy curves are.”
    With this one, you can make your Tinder pickup line more forward. It’s like taking a math line and adding a little something extra to make them want to message you back for additional information.
  4. “Is your nickname Wi-Fi? Because I cannot help myself but feel the strong connection between us.”
    Because you know the person’s name, ensure that you use her nickname. It’s a lot of fun and adorable.
  5. “My eyes got fixated on you all day, wondering what this pretty girl is made of, then it hit. You must be made of Uranium and Iodine because all I see is U and I together.”
    Chemistry jokes are practically endless on the internet, but this one is particularly charming and amusing. Everyone enjoys a good chemistry pickup line, so give this one a shot.
  6. “I am pretty sure that I can figure out many things about. But one thing that I am sure will give me a headache is whether you’ll be the nicest person on my naughty list or the naughtiest person on my nice list.”
    This statement may be most effective during the winter vacations, but it works all year. This one has gotten a lot of positive feedback because it’s direct but not creepy, which is key on Tinder.
  7. “Is it possible you have a cell phone in your back pocket? Because all I can hear is that fine ass calling me.”
    It is among the best Tinder pickup lines to make your match feel sexy. Try out this Tinder pickup line if you want to be a little more adventurous.
  8. “One of the things that I would like you to believe in is karma because I am dying to show you all the Karma-sutra that I know.”
    It is one of the best Tinder pick up lines to get laid. The good thing about this pickup line is that it is straightforward and portrays how naughty you can get.


You can be sure that if you use any of the above Tinder pickup lines, you will increase the chances of getting your match by 100%. The next time you visit Tinder, don’t go there texting those sexy girls ”Hey,” or ”How are you doing.”

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